Is anxiety getting the better of you?

- We all experience stress, but sometimes that worry can start to feel unmanageable. Sometimes it plays out in panic attacks, social anxiety, or feels too constant.
- Anxiety commonly manifests in various physical and emotional ways, sometimes signaling that something within us requires attention.
- Rather than viewing anxiety as a weakness, we can embrace it as a messenger, inviting us to explore deeper aspects of our inner selves.
Are there particular situations that cue your anxiety?

Anxiety can be generalized or sometimes it can be related to specific triggers such as:
- social situations
- work pressure
- family dynamics
Have you taken any steps so far to manage your anxiety?

Cultivating resilience involves acknowledging anxiety, practicing self-compassion, and engaging in mindful activities that promote well-being.
Gratitude is a powerful tool in shifting focus from anxiety to the present moment.
Sometimes it is helpful to seek professional assistance with anxiety.
Call NowDo you need help coping with anxiety that feels overwhelming at times?

- It is crucial to seek support for anxiety and recognize that we are not alone in our experiences.
- By leaning into our anxiety with openness and curiosity, we allow for growth and healing.
- Developing self-awareness and recognizing our triggers can help us reframe the beliefs that fuel anxiety, diminishing its control over our lives.
- A good therapist can help us learn and develop the practices touched on here.
Therapists at CCC who can help work with anxiety